A Year in Kagoshima, Japan

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Ride to Sakurajima

On Saturday we decided to cycle to Sakurajima, and then go into the city for the weekend. An easy 45km ride, it was mostly down hill (toward the coast from Kanoya), and we had perfect weather, until we got within about 10km of the volcano, where the ash started getting in our eyes and mouth. How long can one safely close their eyes while cycling full speed down a hill? I think I pushed the limit on that one, trying desperately to keep the ash out!

It was the first ride that Tyler, Mil and I shared together. We stopped at a conbini for lunch, as well as a mango juice stand near Sakurajima, and generally had a great time. Hopefully a good indicator for our upcoming trip in July! Here are a few shots I took along the way.

Cycling has been a wonderful new addition to my life here in Japan. I find it completely relaxes me, and the stresses that so often occupy my thoughts just float away. It's an amazing way to experience the countryside around here too. We cycle through farm land, little towns consisting of a few vending machines and dilapidated buildings, past obachyans (grandmothers) tending to their beautiful gardens, and next to endless rice paddies -brilliantly green during the rainy season.

 I've already had this experience with running here (which I did religiously in preparation for a half marathon back in March), which was a nice way to explore the nooks and crannies around Kanoya, and for finding little shrines and graveyards in tucked away places, but now I can venture much further into the countryside, and over to the coast. While running has been great, I find I much prefer cycling. There is something pretty wondrous about being able to go so far and at such speeds with nothing but the power of your own legs. I guess I'm late to this phenomenon, but I'm glad I'm experiencing it now! 

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